Monday, February 9, 2009


Aerobics again tonight. It's the same class I went to last week, only there was a new teacher. From what I could gather while eavesdropping on the conversations of the regulars, tonight's teacher is the real teacher and last week's was a substitute. What a relief! I thought I was going to have to struggle to keep my feet moving through the most boring coreography in the world again.

Oh wait. Tonight's routine was the same as last week. Boring! But what can you expect from a male step aerobics teacher? But, it still kicked my ass. Until it's boring and I don't feel like passing out at the end of class, then maybe I'll consider something else. For now I'm going to keep it up. Plus the teacher is pretty cool - despite his inability to coreograph.

There's a step aerobics class at 6:00 a.m. on Wednesday at the gym on 19th St. I think I'll give that one a shot. I much prefer working out in the morning. That means I'll have to go to bed early Tuesday night, though. I tried to go last week and it didn't really work out.

But things are going ok. They say the first week is the hardest, but I disagree (and who are they anyways, and how the heck do they know so much). I think it's easy to keep some willpower going the first week. It's the next couple of weeks that count. It's tougher to keep going than it is to start going again after a long break. That's the ultimate goal.

I'm down 5 pounds in one week - to 183. With any luck I'll be in the 170's soon. I can't wait to fit into some of my tighter pants again! I've made myself a chart where I can keep track of my progress, with rewards each time I meet a mini-goal. My first impulse was to reward myself with a nice dinner out - but therein lies one of my problems. I need to stop using food as the centerpiece of every occasion. I use it to celebrate, or to feel bad. I've got to change that habit.

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