I ran two full miles on the treadmill today without stopping. I realize that probably doesn't seem like a huge accomplishment, but for me it is. I have always been a terrible runner. Even in the Army, when I was running 6 days a week, I was not much good at it, and never got higher than the middle group (mostly stayed in the slow group the whole 4 years). I did eventually make it to the level of competent runner, and I even ran a couple of 10-milers. But I hated every second of it.
Though this is an accomplishment, I still have a long way to go when it comes to running. Running two miles on a treadmill is way different than running 2 miles outside. Also, I'm sure I couldn't pass a PT test right now - even if it were on a treadmill. I'm that slow. The point is, though, that I'm making some progress. Six weeks ago I couldn't run for more than 3 minutes at a time without stopping to rest.
It's nice to see some progress in the area of endurance, since 5-6 weeks of full time exercise (6-7 times a week, with one day off at least) has resulted in absolutely zero weight loss. I still weigh exactly the same. I know that muscle weighs more than fat, and all that, but really I haven't been building muscle. I've been doing almost all cardio. I've done a full body muscle building workout (mostly squats, lunges, shoulders, pushups, situps / crunches - things I can do with only body weight) several times, but not regularly enough to be building a lot of muscle. Still, I would have thought my body would change some and that I'd lose some fat. Maybe I have - I didn't measure myself before, so I don't really know. My pants don't feel looser, though.
I know it's not something that's going to happen overnight, and I'm willing to put in the time it takes to lose the weight and get healthier. It's just that without results it's difficult to stay motivated - what's the point if I'm going to stay at 190 lbs? That's why it was so encouraging today to be able to run the full two miles. It's progress. It's improvement. It's motivating. Now I can keep going.
It is especially encouraging, because I'm hoping to apply this empowerment metaphorically to my studies. One week from today I'll be taking the Bar Exam in California. I've been studying and working hard all summer, and I still feel unprepared and terrified. BUT, maybe I've gained more endurance than I can feel right now. Maybe I"m not seeing the "weight loss" results, but really, I'm healthier and ready within. I must have learned something this summer, right?
So, with that encouragement, I'm going to take a supplement (a cup of tea) and get to work. I will study in three hour increments to simulate the bar, and I will figure out a way to make all of this information (see picture below) accessible and easy to recall.
Wish me luck on both my running and my studying. This summer has been a marathon as far as studying goes, and I figure I'm at mile 24. It's time for the final push of energy to get me (successfully!) to the finish line.
Everything I need to know for the bar is in this binder. It looks small in this picture, but it's so much information - all of which I need to cram into my brain this week. It's go time!
11 years ago